Shots Fired

Shots Fired

In March 2020, the world stopped. Literally. I kept trying to explain to The Kid that this was a historical event- something he would tell his grandkids about- but I don’t know that he believed me. There was so much fear in those early days. Months later, I saw a video on instagram that depicted … Continue reading

On Medicaid

On Medicaid

Well, today the Wise family said hello to a new bed and goodbye to two of The Baby’s teeth. A few months ago, we started the laborious process of getting a SleepSafe bed approved through The Baby’s insurance because his crib had become unsafe. He was able to stand up in it and when he … Continue reading

The Cancer Scare
Life with Jesus

The Cancer Scare

It’s no surprise that children’s hospitals can be really depressing places to be. After taking guardianship of The Baby, he was (still) in the NICU for about a month. It was my first time spending any length of time at a children’s hospital and, despite the hospital’s best efforts, it could get very grim. One … Continue reading